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Delaying Ejaculation - Tips & Techniques to Delay Orgasm


Uitstellen klaarkomen - Tips & Technieken om Orgasme uit te Stellen - Yonifyer

You know it, that moment when everything in the bedroom seems to be going perfectly, until one of the partners reaches the finish line faster than hoped. And while sometimes a quick orgasm is exactly what you need, there are times when you just want the clock to stop for a moment. But how do you delay ejaculation without compromising the pleasure? In this blog we dive deep into the tactics and techniques for delaying ejaculation .

The Importance of Timing in Intimacy

The Importance of Timing in Intimacy

In a world that revolves around speed and efficiency, it's ironic that we long for more time when it comes to intimacy. Delaying ejaculation is not just a trick; it is an essential skill for those who want to increase the quality of sexual pleasure. This is not about performance pressure or endurance; no, this is about connection, intensity and fun.

What is Premature Ejaculation?

What is Premature Ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation (VE) refers to a situation where a man ejaculates faster than he or his partner would like during sexual activity. While “too fast” can be subjective, experts usually define it as within one minute of penetration. It is important to understand that VE is not a disease, but rather a sexual dysfunction that affects quality of life. So whether this definition applies to you depends on your personal experience and that of your partner(s).

What Makes You Ejaculate Too Early?

We'll start with a bit of mystery. Because although many people suffer from it, the exact cause of premature ejaculation is still unknown. Physical, psychological or emotional problems can all contribute to this phenomenon. And if it happens more often, fear of failure can come into play. Let's be honest; no one likes a pop quiz they think they're going to fail on. The subject often also brings shame and uncertainty. The reasons behind VE can vary and include both psychological and biological factors. Let's see what could possibly be the cause:

Psychological Factors


  • 🖤 ​​Stress: Stress and anxiety about performance can lead to VE by creating a vicious cycle in which the fear of premature ejaculation causes that very effect.

  • 🖤 ​​Routine and Experience: Lack of experience or changes in sexual routines can also contribute to the problem.

  • 🖤 ​​Relationship problems: Underlying problems within a relationship can put pressure on sexual performance, resulting in VE.

Biological Factors


  • 🖤 ​​Hormonal Problems: An imbalance in hormones can affect the ability to control ejaculation.

  • 🖤 ​​Nervous Reflex Activity: Increased sensitivity or reflex activity of the nerves surrounding the genitals can lead to faster ejaculatory responses.

  • 🖤 ​​Heredity: There are indications that VE may be hereditary in some cases. Thanks, family!

  • 🖤 ​​Certain Medical Conditions: Prostate problems or thyroid disorders can also cause premature ejaculation.

The Hormone of Haste: Adrenaline


Stress and anxiety are like those annoying guests at parties who should never have been invited. They bring adrenaline into your body system – which in itself is enough to speed things up. This rushing hormone can also break down serotonin, a neurotransmitter that affects sexual tension (among other things). So when serotonin is low, your glans becomes more sensitive and you can come faster than you would like. Isn't that ironic?

Low levels of serotonin make your glans more sensitive, which promotes a premature orgasm.

Pelvic Floor Muscles: The Silent Influencers


Now we're going to talk about muscles that many men don't even know they have until they have to work on them: the pelvic floor muscles! This muscle group plays an important role in orgasms – who would have thought? The less control you have over these muscles, the less control there is over your climax moment.

The more control the man has over his pelvic floor muscles, the more influence he can exert on the moment of ejaculation.

With overactive pelvic floor muscles you have more tension on this group of muscles, which can cause the party to be over sooner than you (or your partner) might want.

Why Delay Ejaculation?

For many, the ability to control the moment of climax is a way to significantly improve sexual satisfaction. It not only offers more pleasure for yourself but also for your partner, by ensuring that you both can enjoy every intimate moment to the fullest. Let's look at some techniques that can help with this.

Techniques to Delay Ejaculation


Delaying ejaculation can be a valuable skill for people looking to improve and prolong their sexual experience. Whether you want more synchronization with your partner, increase the intensity of orgasms, or simply extend the duration of your pleasure, there are several techniques that can help. In this piece we explore some proven methods:

Start-Stop Technology

The start-stop technique is a proven method in which you stop all sexual activity as soon as you feel an orgasm approaching. After a short break – usually a few seconds to a minute – you can start again. You can repeat this cycle several times during sex or masturbation.

Squeezing technique

With this technique, just like with the start-stop method, you stop when an orgasm threatens. However, instead of simply stopping all activity, use your thumb and index finger to lightly compress the base of the penis. This helps to delay ejaculation.

Deep Breathing and Relaxation

Sex is not only physical but also mental. Anxiety or tension can lead to faster climax. Practicing deep breathing and relaxation techniques can help you last longer in bed by breathing calmly and controlled through a near climax.

Practice makes perfect

Masturbation exercises can help you recognize your 'point of no return'. Practice makes perfect (or at least better).

Distraction techniques - Yes or No?

Thinking about something completely different during sex is often mentioned as a way to come later. However, this can be counterproductive by reducing the emotional connection with your partner. Balance is crucial here.

Behavior change


  • 🖤 ​​Variety in Positions: Changing sex positions can not only be exciting but also provide natural breaks between intense moments.

  • 🖤 ​​Less Focus on Penetration: By paying more attention to foreplay or other forms of intimacy outside of penetration, you can prolong the sexual experience.

  • 🖤 ​​Increase self-awareness: Becoming aware of what specifically leads to climax quickly for you can help you find ways to see this moment coming sooner and actively postpone it.

  • 🖤 ​​Focus more on your partner: do you feel like you're almost ready? Then stop penetration for a moment and treat your partner to oral sex. Try to get her to come first.

Tips to Regain Control

  • 🖤 ​​Be Aware: It all starts with awareness of your body and reactions.

  • 🖤 ​​Exercise Makes Perfect: Pelvic floor and breathing exercises can help you gain more control.

  • 🖤 ​​Talk About It: Communication with your partner(s) can reduce stress and improve intimacy.

  • 🖤 ​​Seek Help If Needed: There is no need for shame; professionals can support without judgement.

Tools for Delaying Ejaculation


  • 🖤 ​​Lubricant: Using lubricant can reduce friction, making sensations less intense.

  • 🖤 ​​Sex Toys: Alternating between manual stimulation and toys can create new sensations that help control climax. Using a cock ring can also help.

  • 🖤 ​​Thicker Condoms: Thicker condoms reduce sensation which can help them last longer.

  • 🖤 ​​Meditative Sex: This approach focuses on mindfulness within sexuality; conscious attention to every sensation without working directly towards climax.

Delaying ejaculation requires practice and patience but offers many opportunities for both individual and collective pleasure. Although some methods work better than others depending on the individual, experimentation is key to success. Discuss openly with partners what works – this not only builds skills but also promotes intimacy.

Employing these techniques does not guarantee immediate results; however, continuity in practice will gradually lead to improvement. Take the time to try different methods and find what works best in your situation.

Pelvic Floor Training: An Effective Method to Delay Ejaculation

pelvic floor muscles-training-man-orgasm-control

One method that is often overlooked, but can be very effective, is training the pelvic floor muscles. Learn here how pelvic floor training can help delay ejaculation, so that both you and your partner can enjoy intimacy more.

What is Pelvic Floor Training?

Pelvic floor training consists of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles in the lower pelvic region. This muscle group plays a crucial role in sexual functions, including the ability to control ejaculation. By strengthening these muscles, you can gain better control over your body and therefore also over the moment of ejaculation.

How does it work?

The principle behind pelvic floor training is relatively simple: by regularly doing specific exercises, the muscles become stronger and more responsive. This increases your ability to consciously contract these muscles during sexual activity, which can help delay ejaculation.

Pelvic floor training exercises

Here are some basic exercises you can start as part of your pelvic floor training routine:

  1. 1. Kegel exercises: These are probably the most well-known exercises for the pelvic floor muscles. They involve tensing the muscles as if you were trying to hold in urine, holding for a few seconds and then letting go.

  2. 2. Bridge: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift your hips toward the ceiling by tightening your gluteal and pelvic floor muscles. Hold this position for a moment before slowly returning to the starting position.

  3. 3. Squats: Standing with feet shoulder-width apart, bend into a squat while making sure your knees don't extend past your toes. Focus on tightening your pelvic floor muscles when you come back up.

Make sure each exercise is performed slowly and controlled to achieve maximum results.

Frequency and Duration

For optimal results, consistency is important. Try to make time for your training sessions every day; even five to ten minutes a day can make a difference. Always consult with a professional or physical therapist specialized in pelvic physical therapy before beginning any exercise program.

Benefits Beyond Sexual Pleasure

In addition to improving sexual performance, pelvic floor training also has other health benefits:

  • 🖤Improvement of urine control
  • 🖤 ​​Reduction of the risk of subsidence (prolapse)
  • 🖤 ​​Increase in general core stability and posture

Want to learn more about pelvic floor muscles? Read this article.

Delay ejaculation with the help of masturbators?


A relatively undiscussed but effective strategy is the use of masturbators to train sexual endurance. Read here how these devices, normally associated with solo fun, can serve as valuable tools in the context of performance training.

What are Masturbators?

Masturbators are sex toys designed to mimic the sensation of sexual intercourse. They vary in shape, size and material but all aim to increase sexual pleasure.

How Do You Train Sexual Stamina With Masturbators?

Sexual stamina refers to how long a person can have sex before orgasming. Training this requires consistency, patience and proper technique. The use of masturbators can support this by:

  • 🖤 ​​Simulating realistic sensations
  • 🖤 ​​Enable control over speed and pressure
  • 🖤 ​​Delaying orgasm through exercise

Preparation for Training

Before you start training, it's important to find a comfortable and private space where you can work on your endurance undisturbed. Also carefully choose a masturbator that suits your preferences in terms of size and texture.

Practice Makes Perfect: Techniques for Training

  1. 1. Start-Stop Technique: Start masturbating as usual and stop just before you think you are going to come. Wait until the urge subsides and start again. Repeat this several times.

  2. 2. Squeeze Technique: Just like with the start-stop technique, you stop just before you think you are going to come, but now you gently squeeze the shaft of the penis (or have this done). This can help to reduce the feeling.

  3. 3. Take Periodic Breaks: While using the masturbator, take regular breaks to control yourself and become aware of your arousal level.

Helpful Tips for Effective Training

  • 🖤 ​​Be patient with yourself; improvement takes time.

  • 🖤 ​​Provide enough lubricant for a more realistic feeling.

  • 🖤 ​​Don't forget to also apply mental stimuli (such as erotic fantasies) during exercise.|

  • 🖤 ​​Evaluate your progress regularly without becoming obsessive about it.

Research Supports Use of Masturbators for Training

Several studies suggest that regular masturbation - whether manual or with the aid of toys - can help extend sexual stamina through better control over ejaculation.

Moreover, experimenting with different types of stimulation offers new insights into personal pleasure, which indirectly benefits partner relationships.


Medicines for Fast Ejaculation: From Paroxetine to Lidocaine


In the world of intimate discomfort, ejaculating quickly may be the worst party crasher. But like any good party, there are ways to keep uninvited guests out. Let's look at three popular bouncers: paroxetine, lidocaine topical, and lidocaine/prilocaine cream.

1. Paroxetine: The Silent Powerhouse

Paroxetine may sound more like the name of an exotic food than a drug, but don't be fooled. This drug, best known as an antidepressant from the SSRI group (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), also has talents in other areas.

  • 🖤 ​​What does it do? It helps delay your 'O moment' by affecting serotonin levels in your brain. Think of serotonin as the laid-back friend who says, “Just take it easy.”

  • 🖤 ​​How do you use it? Paroxetine is normally taken daily in pill form, but don't start nibbling on it like candy without a doctor's advice!

2. Lidocaine on the Skin: The Local Anesthetic

Then we have lidocaine on the skin - sounds a bit more exciting, right? This is actually a local anesthetic that is often used for minor medical procedures or to ease tattoo pain.

  • 🖤 ​​What does it do? When applied to Mr. Sensitive (yes yes, I'm talking about your pride below), it reduces sensitivity allowing you to go longer before launching fireworks.

  • 🖤 ​​How do you use it? Simply apply to the uh... affected region shortly before the activity. But really shortly before – otherwise you might as well start solving Sudokus during important moments.

Little tip:

"Don't forget to wash your hands after use; otherwise you will accidentally clean contact lenses with the same precision as an elephant in a china shop."

3. Lidocaine/Prilocaine Cream: The Dynamic Duo

Last but not least we have lidocaine/prilocaine cream – sounds like a superhero team from a comic book! This combination cream takes quick climax challenges twice as seriously.

  • 🖤 ​​What does it do? Both substances are local anesthetics that work together to allow you to experience pleasure for longer without any slingshots being fired immediately after lift-off.

  • 🖤 ​​How do you use it? Apply this magical mix to the hotspot(s) about 20 to 30 minutes before take-off and cover with foil (yes really). Rinse before launch and hopefully you'll reach new heights without premature celebrations!

Whether you opt for paroxetine's zen vibes or decide to explore lidocaine's local wonderland – remember that every adventure starts with step one: talk to your doctor before experimenting in this intimate chemistry lab!

Stay safe and have fun - both in science and love!

Finally, reminder is important: YOU are not alone in this; there are many others who share this experience and have successfully found ways to meet their situational challenge.


Delaying ejaculation is a skill that is essential for those who want to increase the quality of sexual pleasure. Premature ejaculation can have several causes, both psychological and biological. Stress, anxiety, routine and relationship problems can all contribute to the problem. Hormonal problems and overactive pelvic floor muscles can also cause premature ejaculation.

Fortunately, there are several techniques and strategies to delay ejaculation. The start-stop technique, squeezing technique, deep breathing and relaxation are just a few examples. Training the pelvic floor muscles can also help you gain more control over the moment of ejaculation.

In addition, aids such as lubricant, sex toys and thicker condoms can be used to reduce sensations and delay orgasm. Medications such as paroxetine, lidocaine applied to the skin, and lidocaine/prilocaine cream can also be effective in delaying orgasm.

The most important thing is to be patient and keep experimenting to find what works for you. Talk openly with your partner(s) about your wants and needs, and don't be afraid to seek professional help if necessary.

Remember that you are not alone in this experience; there are many others who go through similar situations and have found successful ways to cope. Stay safe, be patient and enjoy intimacy and fun in your life to the fullest!

Do you have any tips? Share them below!


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